
My journey into the world of glassblowing began at the age of 15, and from that moment onward, it has become an all-encompassing passion. Working with glass has been more than just a craft for me; it's been a pathway to swiftly manifesting both beauty and utility. Countless hours spent at the bench have honed my understanding of the material—its nuances, its tendencies, and how to work in harmony with its innate qualities. This page serves as a testament to the culmination of my dedication and artistic exploration in the realm of glass and how it has brought me from my first job teaching beginners to demonstrating to crowds of over 500 people.

The pieces below will be an exploration of different processes, vessels, projects, and periods of time.

Mold Blowing

The process of taking a hot bubble, and inflating it into a predetermined shape, for speed and consistency.


Different variations of forms for bottles.


A challenging form of cup making that is made in parts and assembled. Goblets are known in the glass community to be among the most difficult things to make. I use them as a canvas to practice my skills and study proportions.

Corning Museum of Glass

The Corning Museum of glass is a leading authority on glass. The museum holds glass blowing demonstrations with crowds of +500 guests. The pieces below are examples of what I would make while on stage to demonstrate the glassblowing process to people from all around the world.